I think it was nearly 25 years since I invested in my first “real” camera. It was an used system camera from Olympus with two or three lences. I remember that I was so amazed when I mounted the zoom lense and started to take the first photos. Even if todays lences and technology is improved pictures still amazes me as it did 25 years ago
Live as a farm worker
In modern living we have electricity, TV and other magic stuff that makes our lives comfortable. During a 24 hour soul research at Aryel C Walett (www.aryel.se) in south Sweden…
Oil pressure gauge from the past
When looking a bit closer to the surroundings where ever we go, we can find pieces from the past. Is it just old junk or is it carrying a story…
Old harvesting machine still going strong
I found this old tractor in the backyard of a small bed and breakfast in south Sweden. It is still working and the harvesting tool is mounted on the back…
Old boat houses
A silent journey by canoe in the swedish lakes around Bengtsfors in Dalsland can offer many photo opportunties. Imagine sitting in a canoe early in the evening. Silently you glide…
Abandoned craftsmanship
Today a lot of things are done in plastic or metal in high-speed production lines. This barrel reminds me of the great craftsmanship needed to just build one of these….
Boat house in reflection
Canoeing on a silent lake in Dalsland (Sweden) offers many beautiful moments. This photo was taken back in 2009 during a fantastic paddling tour where the water dripping of the…
History chained to old wood
Last year I was walking along the coast line of Blekinge, Sweden. This specific place reveals many pieces of history from the past. A time when this was the base…